Saturday, March 21, 2020

Self Employed Tutor Resume - Why You Should Write One

Self Employed Tutor Resume - Why You Should Write OneThere are many reasons why you should consider writing a self-employed tutor resume. It helps you get a leg up in the job market and that is something to be proud of.There are many reasons why a tutor is hired by one or more individuals. One reason is the teaching ability and the other is because they have the ability to teach something new to their students. The children will appreciate what the tutor has learned and they will be more likely to learn it from the tutor than from their parents. That is why the tutor is hired so they can help their child's better.The first thing you will want to include on your self employed tutor resume is why you are hired for a particular position. It may be because you are an excellent candidate, it may be because the person you are interviewing with is not and it may be because you have something unique to offer the school.One reason you might consider including on your tutor resume is that you are able to teach multiple subjects. This means that your teaching skills and experience will allow you to teach multiple subjects that you would not be able to teach if you were hired as a full time teacher. You will be qualified for any position, you are given. It may be because you want to teach children math and English or you want to teach ethics.If you can teach more than one subject, you will be able to teach mentor teachers and new teachers. It may be the new teacher you work with that will show your ability to teach and they will choose you to be their teacher.Another reason you should consider including on your self employed tutor resume is that you have the ability to teach your students beyond the curriculum that they are in. For example, you can be teaching students how to play a musical instrument or how to operate a piece of equipment.One last reason why you should consider writing a self employed tutor resume is that you will be able to earn money as a tutor. Many pe ople who teach individuals in the community will earn extra income by letting them rent out some of their classrooms for vacation. That extra income is another reason why you should consider writing a self-employed tutor resume.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Improve Your French Conversation Skills

Improve Your French Conversation Skills How To Improve Your French Conversation and Listening Practice ChaptersHave French Conversations Abroad - in France, IdeallyHave a French Conversation Here in the UKFrench Listening Practice at HomePractising French Conversations On Your OwnRemember: It’s All Right to Make Mistakes When Speaking FrenchThe hardest part of getting fluent in a foreign language is not learning the grammar rules and vocabulary, but applying them. It’s one thing to know that “je suis” means “I am” when in front of a test or quiz in a classroom, with some time to reflect; quite another to recognise its meaning when trying to fill out a form in French or hearing a Parisian’s garbled “ch’uis”.So how can you improve your oral French and better understand spoken French?This website has a guide on how to become an au-pair in FranceBe careful. You will be living with this family for several months. Sometimes, you will simply not be compatible. You need to know that, if there is a problem, the au-pair programme will organise a new family for you or, if nee d be, send you home without fuss. Take the time to read the comments and critiques on their website or trawl the net for forums and message boards that discuss them.Take part in an exchange programmeExchange programmes are not only for students. Some multinational companies offer the possibility of spending time abroad to learn the French language while allowing for a colleague from France to take your place. Don’t hesitate to ask your boss, even if you are unsure of your company’s policy: at worst, you will have shown your readiness to work abroad, which might be noted for future promotion opportunities.If you are at university, look on their website for exchange programmes, or see if you qualify for ERASMUS. ERASMUS is inter-European, but there are other, more international programmes if you are looking to spend some time in Québec or Pondicherry, India (where French is still an official language for administrative purposes).Have a French Conversation Here in the UKYou can al so meet up with French people right here in the UK. There are French-speaking men and women in Britain who are eager to improve their English, and are willing to teach you French in return.Check Superprof to get many a French tutor.French language partners give you the opportunity to have a conversation in idiomatic French with a real French native speaker. Photo on Visualhunt.comYou can look for a language partner through websites such as:Conversation ExchangeTandem ExchangeOpen Language ExchangeThe language apps Hello Talk, HiNative or Tandem will also hook you up with someone to text with if you want to practise your French phrases in writing. Or you can speak French online through Skype or other video chats if you can’t find a French speaker near you willing to introduce you to French language and culture.Make sure your language partner is a native speaker so you have an authentic French accent to listen to. Apart from talking about your day, you can prepare themes to talk abo ut to practise specific vocabulary. This can be greetings, news items, a specific piece of literature, or even oaths - nothing like knowing how to swear to make you feel at home in a language. Speaking with a “normal” person in casual conversation is also a great way to pick up French slang.English subtitles. Then, after a few months, change the subtitles to French. That will help you recognise words you are not used to hearing said and identify words you might need to look up in the dictionary.As you advance, you should slowly step away from dubbed films. Eventually, you will be confused by the fact that the lips don’t match the words, and the language is never quite as natural as in a French-language film.If you are more of a streaming person, Netflix has a selection of French movies and also sometimes offers French audio options, and some of the movies may have a French language option. Some of them are their own production (if you like comedies - which the French excel at - I can highly recommend “Lazy Company”).Watch French videos on YouTubeIf movies are too long for your busy schedule, you can watch shorter French video files. There are a variety of YouTube channels by French speakers. Interested in baking? Learn to make croissants and petits choux in French. Do you like makeup? Get your beauty tips from a francophone. A fan of video games? Watch gameplays in French.There are a lot of little ways to improve your basic French and get fluent, even if you don’t have a lot of time.Listen to audiobooks in FrenchGetting to be bilingual is hard. Maybe you’re on the road too much to watch many movies, and of course you can’t watch even short videos while behind the wheel or out running. But you can listen to French audio files: audio books and podcasts. Try starting with children’s books or books you know really well. The audio files will probably be in a rather formal French, but it will give you a feel for the rhythm of French sentences. Or t his app has French audiobooks specifically designed to help you learn French and improve your French accent.Or you can subscribe to a podcast in French about your interests. There, the French pronunciation will be more common and the language more informal. Or listen to French radio, for example with this app.Practising French Conversations On Your OwnNothing you do by yourself will compare to an actual, real conversation with all its meanderings, French slang, funny accents and non-sequiturs. But even if you can’t speak with an actual Frenchman (or woman), you can speak. To yourself.Yes. At the risk of being mistaken for a crazy person, comment on all you do or are planning to do - in French. You can also keep a language diary help you become  fluent in French, but this is different. It means that, instead of thinking: “I need to go to the shops today” you will be saying out loud: “Aujourd’hui, il faut que je fasse les courses.”Instead of writing and thinking in English , make your to-do lists in French and comment on what you are doing in the French language. Photo credit: Graela on Visualhunt.comIt means warning your friends and family beforehand, of course. And it takes some time before you remember to do it more than once or twice a day. But that way you will be exercising forming French sentences not just on paper, but orally. And when the time comes to use it, the phrases will be familiar to you. Just remember: if you can survive talking aloud to yourself where other people might hear, you can definitely survive talking to a real person!To avoid any such embarrassment, you could take French lessons London or Glasgow with a Superprof tutor!Remember: It’s All Right to Make Mistakes When Speaking FrenchThis is very, very important. It is the single greatest hurdle achieving fluency in French: not even trying. This is a fact: you will probably make mistakes. Yes, you will make them even with sentences you have practised a thousand times.It does n’t matter. What matters is:You spoke French. To another human being. Yay!You shovelled some passive vocabulary (words you understand) into your active vocabulary (words you can say). Another point!You aired out your French verb tenses. Even if it was the wrong one, it still counts. Another point!You worked on your pronunciation. You sounded like Inspector Clouseau from the Pink Panther? Doesn’t matter! Your accent won’t get better if you never use it. Another point!Languages are there to communicate. The first step is to understand and be understood. Perfection is just a series of little steps leading away from there. If you don’t speak, you will never get better.And another thing: it’s also okay not to understand. Many French speakers talk very fast, and there is a tendency to slur words and sounds together. If you don’t understand, don’t hesitate to say so. You can say:“C’était un peu vite pour moi. Pouvez-vous le répéter plus lentement?” (That was a bit fa st for me. Can you repeat it more slowly?”) “Je ne connais pas ce mot: [approximiate important word here]. Qu’est-ce-que ça veut dire?” (I don’t know this word. What does it mean?)Which leads us to another important point.You don’t need to understand all the words to know what someone is saying.Again, in italics this time: you don’t need to understand all the words to know what someone is saying.At first glance, this doesn’t make sense. But, just to humour me, read these lines taken from the poem “Jabberwocky” by Lewis Carroll (you can find it in: “Through the Looking Glass”):“And as in uffish thought he stood The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, Came whiffling through the tulgy wood And burbled as it came!”Do you know what “uffish” means? “To whiffle”? “Tulgy?” And what is a Jabberwock, anyway? Of course not. They’re made-up words.And yet you got the gist: a bloke is standing around minding his own business when something dangerous comes out of the wood. He had better grab his vorpal sword quick! (Spoilers: he does. It goes snicker-snack.)Important words here are: “stood” and “came” and understanding that the Jabberwock is some sort of creature. Everything else is icing on the cake.When in dialogue, don’t get too hung up on words you don’t know. As long as you think you understood the general thrust of the sentence, answer and keep the conversation moving. If you got it wrong, you’ll soon find out.By the way: that’s okay, too. Just laugh, apologise, get it sorted out and keep talking.The only way to speak French fluently is to speak it constantly. So just keep talking - French! Photo credit: thewrongglass on Visual huntTo misquote a little blue fish: “Just keep talking, just keep talking, just keep talking, talking, talking…)

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Life Coach in London

Life Coach in London Where to Find a Life Coach in London ChaptersWho Needs a Life Coach?Websites to Find Life CoachesWhere to Find Free CoachingLife Coaching with SuperprofLife coaching is a relatively new phenomenon, born in the 1970s, in the US. It came about because a tennis coach kept asking his athletes their state of mind after every loss, every win, and every missed shot.The book, titled The Inner Game of Tennis, turned the tide for coaches and athletes everywhere.It marked the start of coaching as a true discipline rather than an activity practised solely by those with intuitive coaching skills and knowledge of the game.However, life coaching’s true origins date back several thousand years, to the Mahayana philosophies of India.Those Zen philosophies, or Chan philosophies, so named by the Chinese who popularised the discipline, are the foundation of life coaching today.Who needs a life coach? Where can you find one in our busy, bustling capital city?Let Superprof be your guide for these first steps on your transformative journey into a better life, for yourself and your loved ones.Find a life coach Belfast here.published an article  that described ordinary people undergoing a late change of career:Gail, who passed the US bar exam aged 61 and still practises law, more than 20 years later.Brooke, a gainfully employed actor who gave up thespian aspirations to become a therapist.Steve, who lost his teaching job and joined the Army, being some 20 years older than his peersAnd who could forget Usain Bolt’s dramatic career shift from the world's fastest runner to a footballer?He is our shining example of someone who believes in himself to such a degree that he was able to rise above his humble roots and now starts anew, in a game he knows nothing about.Still, his confidence isn’t shaken.We admire people like Mr Bolt because of their sheer determination to succeed against all odds.That is the reason people work with life coaches: to learn how to overcome the odds that are stacked against them and succeed as the y always knew they could.Discover these success stories of working with a life coach in Cardiff...Life or Wellness Coaching Sessions?There is a distinct difference between the two types of coaches.Whereas a wellness coach may help you manage stress, choose a healthy diet and quit smoking, a life coach works toward improvement of your overall self.You may have troubles at work â€" maybe undecided about accepting a promotion; such turmoil would call for a career coach.You might have constant falling-outs with your family or significant other; there, a relationship coach would be needed.However, if these instances arise because of your own doubts and insecurities or other forms of self-sabotage, call a life coach!S/he would help you get to the root of your trouble: what is it about you that makes you defeat yourself before you even start?And then, together, you would formulate action plans to overcome those self-defeating attitudes; to triumph over these destructive qualities to let th e real you shine through.Bear in mind that a life coach is not a therapist, although s/he may have such credentials.While a therapist’s function is to look back at what caused your personal obstacles, a life coach will look ahead, at overcoming them.Still, they work in approximately the same way: nudging you into finding your own answers and solutions, and helping you refine your goals so that they are tangible.Are you excited about finding a personal London life coach?You can't just wait for your dreams to come true; let a life coach help you! Source: Pixabay Credit: Teri MakasihWebsites to Find Life CoachesNow that you have made up your mind that you need/want someone to help highlight your strengths, to give you motivation and empowerment, you may conduct a search online for the right coach for you.You would get so many results!Such as the Life Coach Directory London, where individuals list their coaching services.On their profile pages, you will discover what type of coaching they specialise in â€" personal coaching, business coaching, relationship coaching and other types of help; their fees and where they are based at.Some coaches will travel to meet you while others would prefer you to come to their location; still, others will conduct online coaching, and you may even have the option of combining those delivery methods.How much experience your prospective coach has is really down to what you feel comfortable with, but you should look for a certified life coach who holds International Coach Federation accreditation.By ensuring your life coach is thus accredited, you will know that s/he has the latest in coaching tools and coaching techniques at her disposal.You might like to work with Maxine Crawley, who has 30 years of experience, both in corporate coaching and personal development.What we really like about Maxine is that she works with youths, too!If your GCSE student is having trouble finding his/her life purpose, for example, she would dig through the layers of doubt; offer guidance in selecting exam subjects and possibly even finding a likely field for your troubled scholar to specialize in.Should you have more than one child in need of such counselling, she would be happy to conduct group coaching!Maxine is motivational and empowering; a true no-nonsense coach who found her calling early in life.She is also quite pricey.That is a fact of life coaching: in today’s economy, some who wish to transform their life simply don’t have sufficient means to engage a coach.Those who are passionate about helping others, who have undergone coaching training and maybe even have a coaching business recognise that (sad) fact.Even though they are in the business of earning their living, there is a sizable number of life coaches who provide sessions for free!Care to know if anyone of Maxine's calibre is working as a life coach in Edinburgh?Where to Find Free CoachingFortunately, you can find coaches who are more interested in helping peo ple reach their full potential than they are in growing their bank account.To that end, the site Coach Me Free was created!On that page, you have the option of selecting a free session with a fully accredited life coach, or up to three sessions with a coach-in-training.If you are not averse to free coaching online, you may request help from a life coach anywhere in the world.You may also select your language from a drop-down menu on their specifications page â€" a wonderful feature for speakers of languages other than English who seek to define and achieve their personal goals!There are plenty of coaches right in London that volunteer their time and effort to helping people transform their lives.You can find their profiles by listing your location on the site's specification page.  Carol Ann Rice is one of the world’s most renown life coaches, recognised by such publications as The Telegraph and Grazia.While she does not offer free coaching, she is currently offering a 30-day chal lenge for only £29.9930 days to boost your confidence, with tools and tips to improve your life. She will help you find your direction, provide you with the motivation you need and guide you to where you want to be.Less than £30 for a whole month of professional coaching: that is less than £1 per day to revolutionise your life!Heading to Northern Ireland? You can also find a life coach in Belfast!Realise your dreams of a better life with a Superprof life coach! Source: Pixabay Credit: RastapopulosLife Coaching with SuperprofAs we are here for your every instructional need, from learning the drums to improved academic achievement, it stands to reason that we would also furnish you with a meaningful training program to transform your life.Well, not a programme as such; more like people with life coach certification who want to show you how to become your best you.You may choose to work with Gloria to realise the positive changes you seek. She is a psychology student with a unique a pproach to helping people find just the right life balance for them.Or you might engage Laura, a life coach for individuals of all ages who takes a holistic approach to personal growth strategies.She works hard to rid her clients of their limiting beliefs and helps them achieve their full potential through coaching sessions online, in her home or at yours.All of the glowing testimonials left on her profile page indicate that she is well worth her rate!Speaking of rates...The average price for a Superprof life coach is £42 per hour but, if you spend a bit of time reviewing all of the nearly 30 profiles listed, you will find that some London Superprof coaches charge as little as £18 per session.Besides that, you will find that the majority of Superprof coaches offer their first hour free!Can you really put a price on lasting happiness? Does fulfilling your dreams have a cash value? What price would you pay for overcoming any obstacle that stands between you and achieving your goals? Personally, I feel that discovering your full potential and exploring all of the possibilities that life has to offer is priceless.And, who knows? After a few workshops with your Superprof coach, you may find that your path is to help others!What would you think about undergoing coach training yourself?It;s not just the capital city that offers life coaching opportunities, why not look around at life coaches in Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds and Glasgow.

4 Tips for Staying Focused and Organized as Junior Year Gets Busy

4 Tips for Staying Focused and Organized as Junior Year Gets Busy The following is a guest post written by Anna Carapellotti of Admissionado, a premier college admissions consulting company focused on helping students get into their dream schools. With winter break a little under a month away, were sure all of you are looking forward to some much-deserved relaxation. But in the meantime, youre probably feeling the pressure of pending exams and final papers, as well as the need to keep thinking about college applications. To help you put forth your best effort, weve compiled a list of things to help you stay focused and organized during the upcoming monthand then again in the new year! 1. Minimize distractions First things first, put your smartphone away and close Facebook on your computer. By minimizing the distractions posed by social media while studying, writing, etc., you will be able to get through your work more efficiently and effectively, as well as save more quality time for rest and relaxation, your family, and friends. In addition to minimizing the digital distractions, its important to find yourself a tidy, quiet place to work. If you have your own desk in your bedroom, keep it clean and uncluttered. If you dont have this luxury, find a quiet place elsewhere in your home, or plan to go to your local library when you have work to do. [RELATED: 4 Things NOT to Let Slide During Senior Year] 2. Develop a system for organizing your work Whether you use paper or a laptop, its important to keep your work organized. This will prevent you from losing assignments or forgetting to do them in the first place. Moreover, taking the time to develop a filing system on your desktop (or one on your literal desk) will make studying for your cumulative mid-year and final exams much easier. 3. Make to-do lists As your responsibilities increase (and trust us, they will only continue to do so), you may find yourself losing track of everything you need to do. It can be helpful to make lists of the things you need to accomplish, and it can be incredibly satisfying to mark off the things you have completed. So, regardless of whether you choose to use scraps of paper or something a bit more sophisticated on your smartphone, taking note of the things youd like to accomplish in the short-term can pave the way to what you would like to achieve in the long-run! 4. Keep a consistent schedule With a standard school day and extracurricular activities filling your afternoons, chances are your schedule is already pretty consistent. However, you can take your organizational skills to the next level by sticking to another sort of schedule in your downtime. Perhaps you could set aside Sunday afternoons to get organized, make your weekly to-do list, and spend some time looking at information about colleges, or you could set aside a certain block of time each evening during the week for reading and studying. This level of consistency will ensure that you make time for what is important. As you can see, tackling the remainder of junior year in an organized and focused fashion will be easy! By simply minimizing distractions and developing systems to organize your time and work, you will help ensure that you will accomplish a great deal in the short-term and will set yourself up to succeed in the long-run as well! The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Finding Accommodation in Brazil

Finding Accommodation in Brazil How to Find the Perfect Accommodation for Your Holidays in Brazil ChaptersBrazilian Hotels, the Classic SolutionRenting Holiday Apartments in a Brazilian CityYouth Hostels: The Budget OptionOther Types of Accommodation in Brazil“Brazil is always a party. You can tan and mingle with the locals on the country's seemingly endless beaches, from Rio's glamorous Copacabana to the unspoiled treasures along the northeastern shores. In the vast interior, outdoor adventures thrill: take a spray-soaked boat ride into Iguaçu's raging waterfalls or spot exotic wildlife in the Pantanal.” - Fodor's Travel GuideBrazil is a country that inspires many people. From its beautiful beaches like those at Copacabana to its cultural monuments like Christ the Redeemer, there’s something for everyone. Brazil isn’t the most popular country among European visitors. However, the number of services in Brazil has jumped up from 61.2 million in 2017 to 75 million in 2018, a growth of 23%. Many of these services include hotels and accommodation.  After all, when you travel to Brazil, the first question you’ll ask yourself is where you should stay.Why are you going to Brazil and what’s your main destination?Here’s our guide to how much accommodation costs and where you should go.Find out more about budgeting for a trip to Brazil. IrineuPortuguese Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GabrielaPortuguese Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoanaPortuguese Teacher 5.00 (1) £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouisePortuguese Teacher 5.00 (2) £27/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RodrigoPortuguese Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors BlancaPortuguese Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CarolinaPortuguese Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamPortuguese Teacher 5.00 (6) £11/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsBrazilian Hotels, the Classic SolutionThe first question you’ll be asking yourself is what kind of accommoda tion you’ll be getting and how much you can afford. For many years, hotels were the only type of accommodation in Brazil (they counted for 74% of accommodation in 2005) but now there’s a competitive market when it comes to accommodation.The average cost per night is around £40.There are plenty of hotels in Brazil for all tastes. (Source: Poswiecie)Hotels are the simplest option when organising a trip to Brazil. They’re usually in good locations, affordable, and comfortable. A big advantage of hotels is that they often get the best locations near attractions like UNESCO world heritage sites such as Christ the Redeemer. Brazil's most popular cities have a lot of choices when it comes to hotels:Local modern hotelsCharming little hotelsLarge hotel chainsBudget hotelsTo make reservations, you can use sites or You can also filter your search results to a spa hotel, full-board hotels, or hotels near beaches or historic city centres. This is a great way to fin d the best prices on the market.Hotels are bombarded with bookings during Carnival as early as 9 months in advance so make sure you’re prepared!Did you know that in Brazil the term “pousada” refers to a special type of luxury hotel that’s classed as a historic monument?This is where you can have a glamorous stay in a historic area. Uacari Lodge, for example, is a 4-star hotel in the heart of the Amazon!Rustic, modern, authentic, or luxurious? Which type of hotel do you prefer?There are also motels in Brazil. These don’t often have the best reputation but if you’re in a big group, you could save a lot of money.Renting Holiday Apartments in a Brazilian CityHoliday apartments and flats are becoming increasingly popular in places like Brazil and its many coastal resorts including:Salvador da BahiaRecifeIlha GrandeGuanabara BayJericoacoaraChoose somewhere with access to the activities you like. (Source: LhcCoutinho)If you’ve been dreaming of a tailor-made trip to Corcovado, renting an apartment or holiday home is a great way to enjoy the local culture in a city centre or by the sea.  Furthermore, in some of the less touristy places, there might be a lack of places to stay you’ll need to look at local rents.  More and more people are starting to opt for seasonal rents over hotels and campsites.So what exactly is a holiday home?There are plenty of options including:Seaside wooden cabinsFurnished holiday homesSeasonal rents by the seaDo a bit of research to find these holiday homes or holiday rents or check out Airbnb. There are also sites like HousingAnywhere or Latin Exclusive to have a look at.Find out the best time to visit Brazil.Youth Hostels: The Budget OptionIf you want to save money in order to stretch your budget for visiting other attractions in Brazil, consider staying in youth hostels. This type of accommodation isn’t just for young people on a road trip! These are places where you can meet people and have unforgettable moments.While the y mightn't be as well equipped as hotels, youth hostels are the cheaper option. (Source: 12019)There are several types of youth hostels in Brazil:Hostelling International youth hostelsInternational Youth Hostel Federation hostelsIndependent youth hostelsIn most cases, you might need to pay a fee to reserve (around 5%). Many independent hostels take payment on arrival. You can make reservations in Brazil using the following you know that some youth hostels in Brazil can cost as little as a couple of quid per evening?There are plenty of youth hostels that are more comfortable than hotels. You can sit around a pool sipping a caipirinha, a few steps from the beach, for as little as a tenner per night. Of course, you won’t enjoy as much privacy as you would in a hotel.When choosing motels, make sure you do your research. You can also find stuff on Airbnb and there are over 200 motels on not stay with a host family off the b eaten path? Other Types of Accommodation in BrazilSouth America is full of surprises and Brazil is no exception. In terms of places to visit, the Amazon rainforest and the Iguaçu falls are unmissable.It's not recommended that you sleep on a beach. (Source: leogaleno)Why not stay in a wooden cabin in the Amazon?Now there’s an experience you won’t get in just any hotel!If this doesn’t appeal to you, there are plenty of other options for where to stay. There are other types of tourist accommodation if you’re still not sure where to stay.  You could stay in redários in a hammock in the Amazin if you want. These are incredibly cheap since its just you, your hammock, and the sky. This is a unique and cheap way to experience Brazil.You can also find holiday villages and campsites along the coast in coastal resort towns. Just like in Europe, they aren’t necessarily the most interesting places and they’re not necessarily more comfortable than the hotels you’d find in the city . The advantage is that they’re geared towards tourists.  If you want a relaxing time in Brazil, holiday villages are a good way not to get homesick.Finally, for a successful holiday, make sure you check that where you want to stay is available. During the high season like the Rio Carnaval or the New Year, you may have to book a certain number of days at a fixed price. Despite how awkward this may seem, these deals sell like hotcakes.Don’t forget that it’s a good idea to learn a bit of Portuguese to make things easier once you arrive and to get cheap flights using sites like Skyscanner. Destination Brazil!Now you know more about Brazil, when will you be going?Brazil is the largest country in South America and you can visit Brazilian cities like Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Brasilia (the capital city), etc. However, there's also plenty of things to do for nature lovers such as visiting the Amazon rainforest, the Iguazu falls, or hike up the Corcovado river.Additionally, as a fore igner, there are visa requirements if you want to visit Brazil. You'll need a tourist visa from the Brazilian government before you go. This is easily obtained by applying to the Brazilian embassy or consulate and will be valid for five years.Finally, before you visit Brazil, you should get a yellow fever vaccination!Keep in mind that Portuguese is the official language of Brazil (not Spanish like most other South American countries), so you might want to brush up on your language skills before you go.You can always get a bit of help from one of the many talented tutors on Superprof. There are three main types of tutorial available on the site: face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials. There are pros and cons to each and the best one for you really depends on your situation.Face-to-face tutorials are the most personal and have you and your tutor working together for the whole session. If shyness has been getting in the way of your language learning, this is prob ably the best option. Additionally, the tutor can tailor each lesson to exactly what you need to learn or what you've been struggling with.Online tutorials are similar to face-to-face tutorials and you're more likely to find native Portuguese speakers as you can broaden your search to anywhere in the world!In group tutorials, there are several students and just one tutor. With all the students sharing the cost of the tutor's time, these tutorials are usually the cheapest per person per hour but each student won't get the bespoke tutoring or one-on-one time that they would in the other types of tutorials.

12 Sided Polygon

12 Sided Polygon A geometric shape which is enclosed by 12 lines is known as 12 sided polygon, it is also known asdodecagon. The area of a regular polygon: The area of a regular polygon of n sides = (na^2/4) cot( /n) (1) Where a is the length of a side of the polygon. In particular, if a be the length of a side of a regular hexagonthen it means n= 6, now we can substitute n= 6 in equation (1) =(6a^2 / 4) cot ( / 6) =(33 / 2) a^2 Example: - What is the area of dodecagon. Solution: - Since 12 sided polygon is known as dodecagon. Therefor n = 12 The area of a regular polygon of n sides= (na^2/4) cot( /n) = (12 a^2 / 4) cot ( / 12). Now we need to find the value of cot ( / 12). Suppose a/2 = / 12 a = 2( /12) = /6 Since cot (a/2) = (1 + cos a) / sin a Therefore, cot ( /12) = [1 + cos ( /6)]/ sin ( / 6) = (1 + 3/2) / (1/2) = (2 + 3) Therefore Area of a dodecagon = 3(2 + 3) a^2 Example 2: - If each sides of dodecagon are 5 cm then find the area of dodecagon. Solution: - According to the problem a= 5 then Area of dodecagon = 3 (2 + 3) a^2 = 3 (2 + 3) 5^2 = 75 (2 + 3)

50 Beautiful Spanish Words For an Instant Mood Boost

50 Beautiful Spanish Words For an Instant Mood Boost Suzy S. There are so many cool Spanish words to choose from, that its hard to narrow it down to just 50! Spanish is a beautiful language, and as you listen to native speakers, youll notice how elegant it can sound. Scientists have even deemed it the happiest language, too! Not only is Spanish a cool language, but it also has a logical structure. Pair that with the many Spanish-English cognates, and you can see why its one of the most popular languages to learn. As you learn Spanish, youll come across many words that stand out whether for the melodic way they roll off your tongue, or their meaning. Check out the infographic below for  some of our favorite, beautiful Spanish words! 50 Beautiful Spanish Words 1. bonita: pretty (adjective) 2. precioso: precious/beautiful (adjective) 3. señorita: young lady (noun) 4. guapo: handsome (adjective) 5. rosado: pink (adjective) 6. amor: love (noun) 7. encantar: to enchant (verb) 8. desear: to wish (verb) 9. sonreîr: to smile (verb) 10. bailar: to dance (verb) 11. cantar: to sing (verb) 12. beso: kiss (noun) 13. vivir: to live (verb) 14. abrazo: hug (noun) 15. novia/novia: boyfriend/girlfriend ( noun) 16. contigo: with you (pronoun) 17. palabra: word (noun) 18. chocolate: chocolate (noun) 19. café: brown (adjective)/ coffee (noun) 20. naranja: orange (noun) 21. dulce: sweet (adjective) 22. ángel: angel (noun) 23. fuego: fire (noun) 24. cielo: sky (noun) 25. zapatos: shoes (noun) 26. corazon: heart (noun) 27. estrella: star (noun) 28. noche: night (noun) 29. caliente: hot (adjective) 30. rica: rich/delicious (adjective) 31. dinero: money (noun) 32. serenidad: serenity (noun) 33. mariposa: butterfly (noun) 34. fuerte: strong (adjective) 35. siempre: always (adverb) 36. seda: silk (noun) 37. favorito: favorite (adjective) 38. mañana: tomorrow (adverb) 39. bienvenido: welcome (adjective) 40. sol: sun (noun) 41. montaña: mountain (noun) 42. azúcar: sugar (noun) 43. mirar: to look (verb) 44. fruta: fruit (noun) 45. medianoche: midnight (noun) 46. luz: light (noun) 47. diamante: diamond (noun) 48. flor: flower (noun) 49. mar: sea (noun) 50. helado: ice cream (noun) SEE ALSO: An Introduction to Spanish Culture How to Use These Cool Spanish Words Want to start memorizing these cool Spanish words? Here are some additional tips to keep in mind as you study these fun vocabulary words. Categorize the words.  Try grouping words together based on their similarities. For instance, each of these pretty Spanish words is related to showing affection  besos (kisses), abrazo (hug), and amor (love). Create multiple lists with different categories to study. Try forming sentences.  When  you create your own sentences, its easier to  remember the definitions of the words because  of the relevant context. Try  writing a few sentences down with some of the words we listed above. Post them around your house. Labeling items around the house is a great way to learn new  words. You can label the chairs, refrigerator, doors, etc. with their corresponding Spanish word. Play vocabulary games. There are plenty of Spanish websites with free games to check out. You can also purchase apps, or make DIY games such as Bingo and charades. Good luck studying these beautiful Spanish words, and have fun along the way! Readers, what other cool Spanish words would you add to this list? Leave a comment and let us know. Post Author:  Breeana D. Breeana teaches Spanish lessons in  Willow Grove, PA. Specializing in Early Childhood and Special Education, she also has a Bachelors in Elementary Education.  Learn more about Breeana here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Fun Activities that will Get Kids Learning this Summer

Fun Activities that will Get Kids Learning this Summer Children experience significant learning loss during the summer months when they do not engage in learning activates. This summer slide is responsible for up to two months of lost learning in math and up to one month of lost learning in reading. For kids with ADHD, who often finish the school year behind their peers academically, summer learning activities not only help offset the summer slide, but also help build skills that may have been missed during the school year. Unfortunately, because school is more challenging and stressful for kids with ADHD, they are typically more resistant to participating in summer learning activities. While structured academic enrichment activities are an important part of any summer learning plan, theres also room for fun learning activities at home that wont feel quite so much like schoolwork. When kids with ADHD are doing something that they enjoy, their resistance disappears and their enthusiasm soars! Here are 5 creative activities that will help get your child learning while having fun this summer. Family Game Nights. Almost all board games involve some elements of reading, writing, math, planning, or strategic thinking. When kids are immersed in their favorite games they dont realize that they are actually practicing their academic skills. Great games for practicing math skills are Phase 10, a rummy-style game that combines math and strategy and Sumoku, a crossword-style numbers game that helps kids practice foundational math concepts. To encourage reading, try Apples to Apples, which requires reading on every card, and Bananagrams, a Scrabble-like game thats allows kids to create words without the rules and limitations that come with using the Scrabble board. Write a Blog. Blogging provides kids with an excellent opportunity for self-expression while they are practicing writing and communication skills. Blogging is one writing activity that most kids are excited to try because they can choose topics that they find interesting, and they can share their interests with family and friends. Positive feedback from blog readers helps build confidence and encourages more posts (and more writing!). Choose a blogging site that allows you to password protect blog posts, so they can only be viewed by readers with the password. And always review your childs blogs before they are posted. Teach your child about online safety by discussing ground rules for blog topics and blog content. Edublogs ( is a great blogging platform created just for students. It allows for password protected posts, and is free for student users. Expert for a Day. Sometimes the best way to learn something is to teach it. When we teach others we are more attentive to details and we think more critically and deeply about a topic. Encourage your child to teach you and other members of the family by making them an Expert for a Day this summer. With the help of your child find a local historical site or educational attraction (the zoo, a marina, a nature preserve) that you and your family can visit this summer. Have your child learn about the site or attraction through research online and at the library. Allow your child to take the lead on your family outing and play the role of tour guide for the attraction. Encourage your child to take notes while he or she researches so he or she can remember the important details when you are all at the site. Your child will love taking the lead and the whole family will learn from the experience. Cooking and baking are simple, every day activities that provide excellent learning opportunities. Kids use their math and reading skills, practice following multi-step instructions, and even learn about science! The Exploratoriums Science of Cooking website ( includes recipes and activities that teach kids about the science of cooking in a way that is engaging and interactive. Their Bread Science 101 page ( teaches about the chemical reactions that occur when dough ingredients are mixed together and yeast is added to help the bread rise. Combine this website with a simple bread in a bag recipe ( and you have a learning experience that every kid will enjoy. EarthCaching. Everyone loves to go on a scavenger hunt! Geocaching has taken the hunt to a new level with hidden containers (caches) all over US (and the world) that can be discovered using a simple smartphone GPS tool. To make Geocaching more educational, focus your familys search on EarthCache sites. EarthCaching is a scavenger hunt for geographical and geological caches. EarthCache sites are listed on and in the Geocaching app. When you search for a Geocache on the site or app, check the EarthCache box under Geocache types to find these unique sites! Finding creative ways to engage your child in learning over the summer will go a long way in helping him or her start the new school year off with confidence. Your child will enjoy learning and will be excited to grow his or her brains while having fun! ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.